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Flu vaccinations

The reality is, getting the flu shot is more important than ever

Don’t put it off. Set up an appointment today or check if your pharmacy or provider accepts walk-ins.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the seasonal flu virus causes millions of illnesses and thousands of deaths each year. Getting a flu shot can help prevent those visits — and thereby, prevent the co-mingling of flu patients and COVID-19 patients, who can infect each other and spread their viruses to other patients and into our communities. You can positively impact your community vaccination rate reducing the demand for COVID-19 testing, as the early symptoms of the flu and COVID-19 are similar: fever, chills, body aches and a cough.

There are new high dose vaccines this flu season for use in adults ages 65 and older. Ask your doctor or pharmacist what is best for you. The primary public health goal is to have as many people immunized as possible. This optimizes your chances of not getting the flu this season.

MHBP covers the flu vaccine at no extra cost to you when rendered by a network provider or a vaccine network pharmacy. Your health matters and we’re here to help.

If you need help locating a provider, use our Find a Provider tool.

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